Publications Malta Desk

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Contributions to legal text books

Country report on Maltese succession law

Pisani, Christian

in Ferid / Firsching et al. (eds.), International succession law, C.H. Beck, Munich (loose leaf: 2005)

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Introduction into the law of unfair competition in Malta (German)

Pisani, Christian

GRURInt. 2017, 215

Tax compliance in Times of Transparency

Pisani, Christian

The Times of Malta, 14 Mai 2017

You’ve got mail: cease and desist notices from Germany

Pisani, Christian

The Times of Malta, 23 January 2016

How new regulation impacts German-Maltese successions

Pisani, Christian

The Times of Malta, 13 August 2015

Christian, The Malta Trust (German)

Pisani, Christian

ZEV 2012, 579

Trusts in German-Maltese property succession cases

Pisani, Christian

The Times of Malta vom 25 October 2012

Maltese corporate law: The Maltese partnership en commandite from a comparative perspective (German)

Pisani, Christian

IWB 2012, 755

Estate planning in German-Maltese succession cases

Pisani, Christian

The Times of Malta, 8 September 2011

Protected Cell Companies: An alternative to traditional insurance (German)

Pisani, Christian

VP 7/2011, 117

Malta: Protected Cell Companies (German)

Pisani, Christian

VW 2011, 468

Accessing the German market

Pisani, Christian

The Malta Business Weekly, 2 December 2010

Accessing the German insurance market – some remarks on the regulatory framework

Pisani, Christian

Finance Malta, Insight 04/2010, 6

Malta attracts insurers and captives: Tax incentives coupled with EU-compliant regulatory standards (German)

Pisani, Christian

VW 2009, 1356

Doing Business with Germany - a lawyer´s perspective

Pisani, Christian

The Malta Business Weekly, 20 August 2009

The scission system under Maltese succession law and its implications for estate planning in German-Maltese succession cases (German)

Pisani, Christian

IPRax 2007, 359

Malta – An overview on the tax and legal system (German)

Pisani, Christian

DSWR 2004, 137

Tax planning – the Permanent Residence Scheme for a sunny retirement

Pisani, Christian

Botschaft Malta (ed.), Malta-Info, April - June 2003, 5

German-Maltese double taxation agreement enhances Malta as a business location (German)

Pisani, Christian

Botschaft Malta (ed.), Malta-Info, July – Sept. 2002, 7

Business Promotion Act – Maltas new business promotion law (German)

Pisani, Christian (with Portanier, Conrad)

RIW 2002, 366

Good outlook for direct investors - Business Promotion Act enhances Malta’s attractiveness as a business location (German)

Pisani, Christian

LSWB - Verbands- und Fachnachrichten 2002, 172

The acquisition of immovable property by foreigners in Malta (German)

Pisani, Christian

Botschaft Malta (ed.), April - June 2002, 7

Promotion Act – Incentives in light of European law (German)

Pisani, Christian

Botschaft Malta (ed.), Malta-Info, Jan. - March 2002, 8

Business Promotion Act – Maltas new package for foreign direct investment (German)

Pisani, Christian

Botschaft Malta (ed.), Malta-Info, Oct. - Dec. 2001, 6

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